Pig Pen

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minion in the making part 1

For our first feature length horror film, shooting this spring, we wanted to go old school. No CGI, just stop motion and camera tricks. One of the little nasty guys, who I affectionately call Ankle Biter, is going to be a challenge. Ankle Biter looks vile (head and face) and that's a start. So how do we get him to move and pose for his big screen debut? That's where Jack Popovski of Jack's Workshop comes in. Jack has a lot of ingenuity and was put to the test to create a strong lightweight system that will enable Ankle Biter to move freely and lock in place when needed for the rigors of shooting. Did I mention he has to do it on an ultra low budget and I need it yesterday?

Ankle Biter's shoes where made of lightweight plastic that would not allow for him to stand on his own.  Jack solved this problem by adding wood shims with a wooden soul that gave weight and stability to the shoes.

Ankle Biter's shoes where made of lightweight plastic that would not allow for him to stand on his own.  Jack solved this problem by adding wood shims with a wooden soul that gave weight and stability to the shoes.

 A hole was made in the heel so a threaded puppet rod could easily attach and detach when needed. This would aid us in walking Ankle biter from under a fake floor. The souls will be painted black to match the shoes.

 A hole was made in the heel so a threaded puppet rod could easily attach and detach when needed. This would aid us in walking Ankle biter from under a fake floor. The souls will be painted black to match the shoes.

The knees are made of wood and thread rods that attach to the torso. A foam tube cut around the joints will be positioned on his legs to add some meat under the costume.

The knees are made of wood and thread rods that attach to the torso. A foam tube cut around the joints will be positioned on his legs to add some meat under the costume.

A series of pvc tubes, pipe clamps and hot glue were used for all the joints in the main body. It enables us to tighten and lockout arms and legs with the twist of a screwdriver.

A series of pvc tubes, pipe clamps and hot glue were used for all the joints in the main body. It enables us to tighten and lockout arms and legs with the twist of a screwdriver.

A salvaged twisty lamp stem was used for arms and legs, when pose ability is needed with limited movement. The treaded rods on the legs are double and welded to add extra strength. 

A salvaged twisty lamp stem was used for arms and legs, when pose ability is needed with limited movement. The treaded rods on the legs are double and welded to add extra strength. 

That's end of part one. Part two is the creation of his costume.